Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Genocide Group PowerPoint Directions

After reading Night, you have gleaned some insight into two of the most horrific attempts at genocide in the history of the world.  Genocide is the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group.

Your task now is to create a PowerPoint about at least one instances of genocide.  **Since we are working group, you MUST choose an instance that is not being covered by another student. You MUST also use only QUALITY RELIABLE websites and include them in correct bibliographic form in the group's bibliography.  Here are some quality websites to get you started with your research:
Genocide Studies Project, Yale University.  <http://www.yale.edu/gsp/index.html>
Genocide Watch.  <http://www.genocidewatch.org/>
Peace Pledge Union.  <http://www.ppu.org.uk/genocide/>
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.  <http://www.ushmm.org/>

 Each of the genocide incidents that you discuss should cover the following:

  • Who perpetrated the attacks and who was targeted?
  • Where and when did/is this happen(ing)?
  • Why did this happen?  What were the causes?
  • How many people have been affected (deaths, injuries, refugees)?
  • What has happened to those affected?
  • What has happened to those who perpetrated violence?
  • What other effects have occurred as a result (to the government of affected countries as well as the response of other countries, especially)?

Again, please avoid Wikipedia since anyone can contribute to or change any entry on this site; since these are highly controversial topics and I am giving you plenty of time, you can avoid this resource!

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