Tuesday, March 10, 2015

A Raisin in the Sun: Research Activity

Complete a poster, Power Point, research paper, or some other presentation about one of the following topics that addresses the questions included.

Option A: A Raisin in the Sun is about a black family overcoming racism and history to achieve the American Dream. Choose a person who has achieved what you consider is the American Dream, despite some sort of setback or setbacks. Research the major points in his or her life describing particularly:
·        your definition of the American Dream & how that person has achieved it
·        the setbacks he/she overcame
·        how he/she overcame those setbacks
·        the success he/she achieved
·        how he/she achieved it
·        what you personally have learned from his/her life

Option B:  A Raisin in the Sun was written during the early civil rights period. Research and describe at least FIVE major events of the Civil Rights Movement. Alternately, you may research the women’s rights movement or the #blacklivesmatter movement. For each event, discuss the following:
·        When did it happen?
·        Where did it happen?
·        What happened?
·        Who was involved?
·        Why did it happen? What were the causes?
·        How did it impact the movement? What were the effects?

ALL of these should include the following:
·        a BIBLIOGRAPHY with MULTIPLE RELIABLE SOURCES (no Wikipedia for this project, sorry)
·        Pictures cited or hyperlinked
·        Correct citations: DO NOT PLAGIARIZE! For more information on plagiarism, see below.
Unless you properly cite it, you are not allowed to turn in for a grade anything that someone else has created: that includes any sentences or phrases, thoughts or ideas, images or graphs.  In A Primer on Plagiarism, Louis Sirico says students typically commit plagiarism in one of three ways:
·        using someone else’s words without quotation marks or citation.
·        paraphrasing someone else’s words without citation.
·        using someone else’s ideas without citation.

Plagiarism is also defined as:
·        copying or paraphrasing all or part of another’s homework.
·        allowing another person to copy or paraphrase your work.
·        receiving help on assignments that have been identified by the teacher as work to be completed individually.

Consequences of plagiarism: I will not accept plagiarized work. You will continue to revise/edit until there are no traces of plagiarism anywhere in your work. Furthermore, your grade will be affected if you do not fix your work.

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