Friday, November 15, 2013

Drafting, Self-Revising, & Self-Editing Realistic Short Stories

Week 12:

1. Choose one of your story ideas (one of the ones that you wrote a descriptive paragraph).  Write a full first draft for that story.  It should contain the following elements:
·        A conflict (person vs. person, person vs. nature, person vs. society, and/or person vs. self)
·        Beginning (exposition), middle (rising action & climax), and end (falling action & resolution)
·        Sensory descriptions (imagery) of setting and at least one character
·        Dialogue
·        Thoughtful word choices (diction)

2. Revise and edit your story. First, double check that your story meets all the above requirement. Second, edit it! I do not want to see a draft with any glaring errors in capitalization, punctuation (especially dialogue and correctly used apostrophes), sentence structure (run-ons and fragments), or spelling (use spell check and make sure you don't confuse homophones like to, too, and two or they're, there, and their, or your and you're).

**This is due Monday (11/25). You have over a week to compete this. My expectations are for well-written, descriptive, interesting, and correctly written stories!

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