Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Catcher in the Rye Project Options

The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger: Project Ideas

Choose one of the following projects to complete for J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye after reading.  You will be graded on accuracy and depth of information as well as creativity and the way that you present the information.
  • Create a board game based on the novel.  Incorporate multiple characters, setting details, and key aspects of plot.  Must include all pieces needed for play and a written set of directions.  (Cite websites used for pictures, etc.)
  • Research J.D. Salinger’s life.  With your information, create one of the following: a written report, a 10+ slide PowerPoint, a 10+ page children’s book, or an informational brochure.  You must include information about his parents, childhood, young adult life, writing career, private adult life, public life, important quotations/writings, and other interesting and relevant information.  You must also include a bibliography in MLA format for any information found.  Additionally, include a website citation for any pictures used.
  • Write a comic strip that summarizes the novel.  You must include main characters & characterization as well as at least six major plot points.  Pictures are important and if they are borrowed, they must be cited! 
  • Create a soundtrack for The Catcher in the Rye.  You must include at least seven songs, and each song should have an explanation about its significance to the book (setting, characters, plot, theme, etc.).  You should also include a CD jacket with a relevant design or illustration.  Please include an explanation of your jacket design as well.
  • Create a social network profile page (in the style of Facebook or MySpace but done on Microsoft Word, Power Point, or Publisher) for four characters.  Include things like: a picture, personal info, interests, tastes in music/movies, and at least 3 wall posts on each profile from “friends.”  (Cite websites used for pictures, etc.)
  • Pretend that you are Holden’s psychiatrist.  Gather evidence that suggests possible mental disease(s).  Then, conduct research to analyze his symptoms with a possible diagnosis (or diagnoses).  Once you have diagnosed patient Caulfield, you must research treatment options and suggest treatment for him.  Create a PowerPoint that reflects the following: 1) the patient’s diagnoses, 2) evidence from the book with page number citations that show Holden exhibiting specific symptoms of your diagnosis/diagnoses, 3) suggested treatment(s) & explanations of your treatments.  Bibliography of sources used for research.  The following is a list of diseases and disorders from which patient Caulfield may be suffering (feel free to expand upon this list):  Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, Grief, Antisocial personality disorder, Paranoid personality disorder, Schizoid personality disorder, Schizotypal personality disorder, Dissociative identity disorder, Tourette syndrome, Impulse control disorders, Bipolar disorder, Schizophrenia, and/or Substance abuse.  For research, use credible sources.  The following sites will help you get started:  http://www.webmd.com/, http://www.nimh.nih.gov/index.shtml, http://www.medicinenet.com, http://mayoclinic.com/